Google Closing Maps Coordinate Service

Engadget is reporting that Google is closing their Google Maps Coordinate service. From Engadget’s original posting about the service back in 2012:

If you’re a mobile / field worker, and are tired of getting hauled across town to jobs, when there are others nearer by, you might want to point your senior in the direction of Google Maps Coordinate. Sounding like a blend of Latitude, Maps and Google + (Circles,) it’s a web tool and mobile app that should help central operations organize their teams out in the field. Of course there’s the usual location sharing, plus options for recording and collecting (user defined) data, allocating staff to teams or groups, job and task allocation plus history for analytics.

On the plus side? Resgrid can perform all those functions and much more for your mobile / field work force. Resgrid is currently being used by many first responder organizations but many private businesses also use the service to meet these needs. With our upcoming Custom Statuses feature every organization can create their own statuses for personnel and units. For example “On Break, On Location, Picking Up\Dropping Off, etc”.

Check out Resgrid today and start using it for free.

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