Resgrid Updates for May 2018

As Resgrid has grown we’ve had some struggles keeping up with all the work and I’d like to apologize for that. I know it can be difficult getting ahold of us sometimes, but we are here and working on making Resgrid better for every department large and small.

A quick recap of last year, this is my favorite part of the new year newsletter, we had 771 new departments sign up for Resgrid bringing our total to 2,909. All of you generated well over 300,000 data points in 2017 which was a 20% increase over the year before. Thank you all, and we are working hard to improving the Resgrid system, reducing bugs and increasing functionality.

One of the projects we’ve been working on is brand new, called Resgrid Relay. Relay will allow any department to create calls (dispatches) via directly connected audio (i.e. a radio scanner), an internet audio feed (i.e. Radio Reference) or other triggers, i.e. a new file on disk or a network share. This allows any department to utilize Resgrid for dispatching without involving the dispatch center, which we know can be painful. The best part? It’s all low cost, off the shelf hardware that you 100% control. Just needs to meet some minimum specifications and have an Internet connection.

Resgrid Relay is an open-source project allowing anyone to see how it works and modify the code to meet your department’s needs.

Resgrid Relay Beta

If you’re interested in testing out the new Resgrid Relay app for radio-based call creation please send an email to us  to inquire. We want to have the beta app live soon so we can get feedback and adjust it.

For the beta, you will need to have Windows 7 or newer PC with an Audio In port, internet connection and a scanner with an audio line out.


System Status

Ever wanted to know if Resgrid was experiencing an issue? At the start of the year, we launched where we keep track and log all of our system issues and updates. We just recently hooked this up to our Facebook and Twitter feed as well. It’s your one-stop shop for system status information.

Resgrid Unit v3

We’ve been working since the start of the year on our complete overhaul of the Resgrid Unit app and are finally ready to push it out to the stores. There are some unique challenges with the Unit app and the conencted\disconnected scenarios it can operate under. For now, the Unit app will only support connected scenarios but we will be working to full offline soon.

If you have any requests let us know and we will get them into the app within our next few releases.



Responder App v7.5

New Responder App updates started rolling out last week and we will have a few more 7.x updates here shortly. The goal is to fix all the remaining issues still around from the last overhaul and work on increasing the features you have access to in the Responder app.

We will be working on expanding out the Chat feature and we are working on laying the foundation to add in two way, radio style, voice communication.


Privacy and Terms Update
I’m sure you are all getting lots of notifications from all the services that you use informing you of updates to their policies. In accordance with GDPR we have updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You can review those on our website.

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